Friday, July 22, 2011

The Power of Christ in Me

This week has stretched me in ways that I never saw coming. Circumstances that I thought I would never have to deal with this summer hit me with full force. This morning I was reflecting on all of the silly little things that tripped me up this week and I knew it was Satan messing with me and my friends. The song "In Me" played in the car and I had to play it over again because I just love the lyrics. They're so encouraging and I just wanted to share! :)

In Me
by Casting Crowns

If you asked me to leap
Out of my boat on the crashing waves
If you ask me to go
Preach to a lost world that Jesus saves

I'll go, but I cannot go alone
'Cause I know I'm nothing on my own
But the power of Christ in me makes me strong
Makes me strong

'Cause when I'm weak, You make me strong
When I'm blind you shine Your light on me
'Cause I'll never get by living on my own ability
How refreshing to know You don't need me
How amazing to find that you want me
So I'll stand on Your Truth, and I'll fight with Your Strength
Until You bring the victory, by the power of Christ in me

If you ask me to run
And carry your light into foreign land
If you ask me to fight
Deliver your people from Satan's hand

I'll go, but I cannot go alone
'Cause I know I'm nothing on my own
But the power of Christ in me makes me strong
Makes me strong

'Cause when I'm weak, You make me strong
When I'm blind you shine Your light on me
'Cause I'll never get by living on my own ability
How refreshing to know You don't need me
How amazing to find that You want me
So I'll stand on Your Truth, and I'll fight with Your Strength
Until You bring the victory, by the power of Christ in me

To reach out with Your hands
To learn through Your eyes
To love with the love of a savior
To feel with Your heart
and to think with Your mind
I'd give my last breath for Your glory

'Cause when I'm weak, You make me strong
When I'm blind you shine Your light on me
'Cause I'll never get by living on my own ability

Please continue to pray for me and the staff as the summer comes to an end. That we'll recognize Satan's attempts to discourage us and that we will have supernatural strength and endurance these last two weeks. I can't believe I'll be home two weeks from Monday! Thanks for all the prayers and support :)

Chelsea :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hurray for People and Progress!

I love people. Especially people from New Orleans :)

Dave and I in front of the working sink!
The other day I was sitting in Katie's car, minding my own business. I had just come from a job site and was in a Wendy's parking lot waiting for my roommate, Ronnie, to get there so we could have lunch. I was blasting Lecrae when a man on crutches walked up to the car and knocked on the window. I rolled down the window and he asked what I was listening to and if I had any cash. I happened to have two bucks on me so I handed it to him. He grinned, thanked me and started to hobble away. I returned to rocking out to Lecrae and jumped when I heard another knock on the window. It was the same man, so I rolled down the window again. He thanked me again for the cash, then proceeded to drop a dirty paper bag onto the passenger seat. He muttered, "Here, I found this in a dumpster." Then limped across the parking lot again. The bag was full of ant-infested trash.
Only in New Orleans, would I exchange two dollars for a bag of garbage. Wouldn't change it for the world :)

I was able to visit Dave's house this week! I am so amazed at the progress made from a year ago! The team from Brookfield was the second team to work on that house last summer. Now, the interior is nearly finished, the kitchen has a sink and running water. This is so exciting! Also, I love visiting with Bridget and Michael; they are such an awesome family!
Dave, Michael and Bridget

Thank you for continuing to lift me up in prayer. As the weeks run down and I only have so much time left, pray for strength and energy to finish this part of the journey strong. I love you all so much!

God Bless,
Chelsea :)

"And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to  pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God." Colossians 1:9-10

Saturday, July 9, 2011

King's Reply

Sometimes I don't think I fully comprehend the damage and destruction caused by Katrina. Yes, I work here. Yes, I've seen pictures and footage. On the other hand, my first time coming to New Orleans happened 4 years after the storm.
Ronnie and I were riding into the city on Thursday when we stopped at a red light. Beside us was a maze of highways and interstates intertwining in bridges. I've stopped at that red light many times and occasionally, you might see a man walking up and down the intersection, asking for money.  Ronnie looked over at me and told me about the first year she came down. She said that there were tons of people living under those bridges with tents set up. Some didn't even have a tent, but simply a mattress on the ground, just trying to find shelter underneath those busy highways.
 I talked to one of the staff members last night who is from New Orleans. I asked her about the week of Katrina and what it is like now. She said that some people say it's no different than any other week in the city, but she can tell the difference. There's something on the people's faces when you walk past them.
When I walk around the city and I see empty, abandoned houses my heart breaks. Still, I don't think I can fully appreciate what this community went through. Some team members have asked me why anyone even stays in New Orleans; why would you want to live in a bowl that at any given moment could wash away? The best answer I can think of is that it is their home. They love this city even more than I do. What humbles me and puts me in awe is that Christ loves this city even more than them. He died for the people in this city.
This week, I was reminded why I am here. To let Christ's love shine through me and Crisis Response so that maybe the next homeowner we help will see Jesus through us.

Thank you for your prayers,

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’" Matthew 25:40

Friday, July 1, 2011

Closer Than a Brother

"A man of many companions may come to ruin,
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
-Proverbs 18:24

This week I've been thinking a lot about friendships and how much they mean to me. I'm so blessed to be surrounded by the amazing people I've met here in Louisiana. These truly are friendships that will last a lifetime and glorify Christ. 

Ronnie and I dancing in the streets, as usual.

These are people that will head bang right along with me when we're jamming to Family Force 5 in the car! I LOVE that!!!

Katie, Ariealle, Shelby, Keri, Ronnie, me, Dustin

These are also friends that help me grow as a child of God. People who will keep me accountable and encourage me when I'm feeling down. I just want to praise God for these friends who have blessed me so much!

This week I posted on EFCA's Crisis Response blog for the first time :) Go check it out: The Need in New Orleans (I know it says it was written by Mark Lewis, but don't be deceived! It was me with the help of Katie). Hopefully, I'll be able to help keep this blog updated, along with Katie's blog which I will be working on next week.

Prayer Requests:
  • The incoming team for next week - that they will have a wonderful week shining for Jesus
  • Please pray for those who will be going over my application (Explore 7-23)
  • God will provide a safe, reliable way to get back to New Orleans this fall
  • I'm 3 questions short of finishing my application! I'll be sending it in tomorrow :)
  • I met new people this week: Scott Mannstedt and his son Nathan from Minnesota. They were a lot of fun to get to know :)
  • A productive week as far as getting work done along with my application
Thank you all for your prayers and letters! I appreciate all the mail that comes in, I love hearing from everyone back home! 

Chelsea :)