On April 27, 2011 several devastating tornadoes hit the state of Alabama. EFCA Crisis Response set up a connection through Hope Church in Madison, Alabama where teams can come to help the clean up process. I read a verse this week during devotions that really spoke to me: Psalm 29:9 "The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, 'Glory!'" Isn't our God amazing?! I saw evidence of God's voice during my time in Bama. This week, the interns and some of the staff from the Crisis Response office in New Orleans came and served there. I was able to be a part of the amazing work that Hope Church is doing in Madison with the help of the lead pastor, Andy Wulff, and my fellow part-time roommate and co-worker, Jen Jones :)
It was really fun to be part of a team this week and volunteer! I personally met 3 different sets of homeowners. Ronnie and I were with Shelby and Jeremy our first day when we worked with John and Marlene, a couple originally from New Jersey. They were so sweet and Marlene was very hospitable. Marlene had a bout with cancer and it's believed it may be back in her head because of headaches and trouble with sight. Please pray for her and that the cancer won't come back.
Most of the week was spent with Billy and Pat, an older couple who invited us (a dirty, sweaty, smelly team of young people!) into their home and fed us every day. They told me I reminded them of their granddaughter (Their 13 year old, 6 foot tall granddaughter. Not sure how) so I'm excited to keep in touch with them via e-mail! We aren't sure where they are, spiritually, but they seemed interested in Hope Church :)
The third man we helped, Tom, told us his story about how his family lived without power for 8 days. United Way told him they would come clean up his leaning trees last week, but never showed up. Dustin, Jen and I took down two trees ourselves and dragged three out. There was a close call, but it turns out I can outrun a tree :)
The team that was in Alabama this week was from Hershey Free Church so I had an awesome time getting to know fellow Pennsylvanians :) They were a great group of guys and our team loved hanging out with them! We even went bowling last night :) We were also able to serve Pastor Andy and his wife by babysitting their 5 kids. We had a great time with them but half of us were sleeping on couches by the end of the night!
Summary? I used a chainsaw for the first time this week, met some great people and had a near death experience but yay God! I'm here :) Also, praise God we're all back in Louisiana safe and sound and that everyone was kept safe this week using chainsaws and skid loaders. Please pray that my application for Explore 7-23 will go well and I'll finish it in a timely manner. Also, please pray that I will be able to find monthly supporters for this fall. The support I raised for this summer was enough for 2 and a half months, but I will need support to come in monthly as I serve for a longer term.
Thank you so much for all the support and letters and prayers! Also, if you'd like to find out how you can help with the clean up that is going on in Alabama go to EFCA's
tornado relief page. Thank you all again!